Kingdom Learning Institute (KLI)
The Educational Component of United For Kingdom Building Alliance Corporation.
This program is designed to help enlighten and strengthen each student in their spiritual experience. There is an expectation that all assignments be completed timely and submitted timely.
The grading scale is different in as much as there is no failing grade. However there is no acceleration automatically given. Each grade must be earned in accordance to the standards.
I am committed to helping you reach your goal as you strive toward it..
All Ministers under United for Kingdom Building Alliance Corporation are required to take the course for the Office of ministry for which they have been called.
Natural protocol vs. Spiritual protocol and Fivefold Ministry Compliance.
If you are not ordained, licensed or affirmed, there are some courses required prior to you being approved to take the prescribed courses for the Fivefold office.
Course Completion:
A Certificate awarded at the successful completion of the course.
Each course has three or more modules.
Most courses require that a special project, midterm and final exam be successfully completed in order to receive certification.
Certificates are given for each successful completed module of session for the Course.
Attendance to lectures - 65%
Special Projects - 20%
Class work - 15%
Students are expected to read the required section(s) of the Bible and familiarize themselves with textbook/workbook for upcoming lectures. Quizzes will be graded on a pass/fail basis. Mid-term and final tests will be open book.
All course work, projects, class participation and exams must be completed timely.
A makeup date is given for all classes that fall on a federal holiday
No more than 2 excused absences. (8 sessions or more)
Class participation is required.
Core Sessions:
Apologetics & Comparative Denominations & Religions - ($375.00)
This course gives an in-depth discussion on how to defend the Christian faith and compares and contrasts the Christian faith against the 12 major world religions.
Apostolic Foundation - (coming soon)
This course will examine the call, the nature, types and the assignment of an Apostle and Prophet.
- Basic Overview of Leadership - ($310.00)
This course will examine the various views of leadership both Christian and secular. The student will examine his her own her own leadership styles. And traits and then develop a leadership style that best fits his or her personality. This course will also examine leadership traits found in the Holy Bible from Genesis to Revelation.
- Church Administration - (coming soon)
This course will examine the role of the administrative staff and other office personnel in a church or para church ministry. Types of leadership boards and councils.
- Church Finance - (coming soon)
This course will examine the bookkeeping, accounting, and financial management for a church or a para Church ministry as it relates to the type of church government as well as compliance with the US government. It will examine the various roles for financial managers, and examine various software for bookkeeping and accounting.
- Fivefold Government - ($375.00)
Session 101 will explore the ministries of the Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, and Teacher and compare them to the ministry gifts of the Bishop, Elders, and Ministers.
Session 102 is a comprehensive course that focuses on the administration and governance of the local church as directed by God through the scriptures in Ephesians 4:11-13 KJV. The course aims to help you better understand God's anointings and the five offices He has gifted to the church - Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, and Teacher. Through this course, you will develop practical experience in these areas.
- Hermeneutics - (coming soon)
This course will examine the art of interpreting scripture. It willsurvey the various genres of Bible literature and categorize each of the 66 books of the Bible in a particular genre. This course will also survey the different methods of interpreting scripture; however, major emphasis will be on the Dispensational, Pre-tribulational, Premillennial view of Hermeneutics.
- Homiletics - ($475.00)
This course will discuss how to prepare sermons, Bible studies, and seminars in a manner that best suits the presenters audience.
- Leadership Talents and Gifts In The Church - (coming soon)
This course will examine leadership talents and various ministry gifts other than the Five-fold. Leadership will be looked at as tohow to guide members of a church. Gifts will be looked at as what the Lord has given an individuals by God to lead the Church.
- New Testament Survey - ($375.00)
This course will examine the 27 books of the New Testament and their origins and their canonization. It will also examine thehistories of the 27 books of the New Testament and the history of The New Testament era.
- New Testament Survey, Systematic Theology, Hermeneutics (Accelerated) - ($475.00)
This course will survey each of the 27 books of the New Testament. While surveying each of the 27 books, this course will examine the nine core elements of Systematic Theology: Theology Proper, Christology, Pneumatogy, Angeology, Harmartiology, Satanology, Soteriology, Ecclesiology, and Eschatology. Simultaneously, this course will discuss how to engage in proper Bible Study and many ways of interpreting Biblical narratives.
- Old Testament Survey - ($375.00)
This course focuses on understanding the major contents of each book of the Old Testament. It examines literary structure, historical backgrounds, geographical settings, and parallel passages to enhance comprehension and application to contemporary issues and concerns.
- Systematic Theology - (coming soon)
This course will examine the nine major doctrines found in the Christian church. This course will provide the learner with Systematic Theology doctrines from various sources. However, the major sources for doctrinal study will be from a Dispensational, Pre-tribulational, Premillennial view of Theology.
Elective Sessions:
Ministry in the Marketplace - ($225.00)
This course focuses on understanding and accepting where you have been assigned to minister in the marketplace.
For questions or concerns, please click here.
- Basic Overview of Leadership - ($310.00)